
Substrates are the materials that we use to cover the floor of our snakes cages. There are many ways to keep snakes and just as many substrates that can be used. Most of it comes down to personal preference. I will go through some of the more common substrates used for pythons. Remember that sand or soil is not allowed to be used with pythons in WA.


Newspaper is probably one of the easiest and cheapest substrates available. It is quick to wrap up after a python has pooped. A quick wipe of the enclosure floor with a cloth and it is equally as quick to lay new sheets down. At least two sheets or more is recommended to absorb the fluids. Some snakes will hide under the paper. Though the water bowl and a hide often stop this from happening. The only down side of newspaper is that it does not look very nice.  But if you have a number of snakes it will cut cleaning time down considerably and reduce costs.


The use of compressed paper pellets (kitty litter such as ‘Breeders Choice’) is debatable among python keepers. Some find it fantastic, while others find that it dries the air or that it is to dusty. The problem with drying the air out is that it can result in the python having problems when it sheds its skin.  Those who don’t seem to have such problems find that it reduces the smell associated with urates and feces. It’s very absorbent as well as being quick to spot clean. It’s important with spot cleaning to make sure a complete clean and change of substrate is done regularly as well.  If looking to use such a substrate talk to other keepers as to which types and brand names are suitable to use with pythons.


Fake grass can be used to good effect in a similar fashion to newspaper. It looks a little nicer though and is a little more work. A piece cut the size of the enclosure floor is used and often keepers will have two for each enclosure. The reason for having two pieces is so that when the one being used gets soiled, it can be taken outside and hosed off (cleaned) then hung up to dry. While the second clean piece can go straight into the enclosure. Once the piece hanging outside is dry, bring it inside ready to be used for next time.


Pet stores stock a number of substrates for reptiles. Aspen bedding, Repti bark, Kritters Crumble etc are types or brand names we often see. Used in a similar fashion to the paper pellets they are spread on the enclosure floor and complete replacement of the substrate should be done regularly with spot cleans in between.


Sand or Soil is not allowed to be used with pythons kept as pets in WA.  

As per license condition #4, “The licensee shall at all times provide adequate and appropriate care in accordance with animal care sheet specifications.” 

The care sheets at this point in time state, “Do not use sand or soil, as this is unsuitable and will harbour disease causing pathogens.”

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